- Certificate
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- Certificate of Earth Magicks & Energy Work (Level 1)
Certificate of Earth Magicks & Energy Work (Level 1)
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Have you always wanted to learn the ways of the old path or the cunning/wise women but with a modern twist? Would you like to learn the arts of Earth Magicks & Energy Work? Looking to develop your own personal Practice that best suits you?
This course is a Level 1 Foundation course that is ICGT Approved Training for spiritual & self development.
This course is a Level 1 Foundation course that is ICGT Approved Training for spiritual & self development.
OakWill Holistic Health Training
is an approved training provider through the
IGCT - International Guild of Complementary Therapists
We are an online course provider that isn't automated.
When we send you emails & links you are receiving them from a person not a computer.
When you assessment tasks are marked & feedback
is returned it is from a person not a computer.
Because we are people not computers & are not automated
there may be a delay between when you enrol to when you receive
the password & link to your course material.
Please allow up to 24hrs to receive your password for your course material.
is an approved training provider through the
IGCT - International Guild of Complementary Therapists
We are an online course provider that isn't automated.
When we send you emails & links you are receiving them from a person not a computer.
When you assessment tasks are marked & feedback
is returned it is from a person not a computer.
Because we are people not computers & are not automated
there may be a delay between when you enrol to when you receive
the password & link to your course material.
Please allow up to 24hrs to receive your password for your course material.